Thursday, 16 August 2012

Viviana Moisturizing Body Lotion Review

Hello there Pumpkins! :)

Don't you love good dreams? The ones that make you wake up to smile? ^_^ I so love them! Waking up smiling makes me whole day so much fun ^_^
And then you kick your ass to get it in shape *pants* Then you take a shower and preen and eat oats. Then you gossip with mom.

...Seriously, did you read all that? I am so bored, I don't have a topic to entertain you guys with :P So, lets do some productive work today 8)

I'll review Viviana Moisturizing Body Lotion with Skin Whitening for you, just you baby ^_^ :P

Product: Moisturizing Body Lotion with Skin Whitening
Brand: Viviana
Cost: Rs.229/-
Quantity: 200 ml
Shelf life: 3 years

Key ingredients: Cocoa butter, almond oil, aloe vera extract and glycerin

Other Ingredients: Stearic acid, cetyl alcohol, Glyceral Mono Stearate, Light Liquid Paraffin Oil, Lanolin Anhydrous, Sodium Methyl Paraben, Sodium Propyl Paraben, Ethylene Di Amine Tetra Acetic Acid, Imidazolinidyl Urea, Fragrance, Dimethicone, Palm oil, Wild Freesia Extract, Demineralised Water

Directions for use: Apply a few drops on to your palm and massage all over your body especially dry areas. For best results use twice a day.

What does the company claim?
Viviana Moisturising Body Lotion is a light but rich emulsion contains Aloe Vera & Cocoa Butter that leaves your skin feeling soft,smooth with a vibrant texture. It penetrates deep into the skin and nourishes it from within forming a protectiive layer that prevents skin from drying. Regular usage lightens the skin making it fairer.

You can know more about the product here and here.

The product comes in a basic packaging - a rectangular box with flip opening. Sturdy enough though. #TravelFriendly.

Its a pleasant pale pink in color and is for all skin types(?!). The moisturizer, though on a lil runnier side, needs some massage to be absorbed into the skin.

It smells medicinal. I mean the herbal types. May be the almond oil + glycerin? I don't know how to explain. I am not really a fan of it but it fades away in like fifteen minutes. #Win
It is sort of thick on application but once absorbed, there is no trace of it :)

Does it do what it claims to?
Yes it does :D I use it before going to bed, or sometimes just after my shower. It moisturizes really well :) There are no dry patches left.

About the skin whitening claim, I have been using it for three weeks for now, and I don't really see any skin whitening as such. If they mean reduction in tan, not that either. I don't really believe in skin whitening, your melanin content cannot be altered :D

Apart from that, this is a wonderful moisturizer - economical, last long, and does its job. If you can stand the herbal smell, go for it :P
And all you paraben freaks, it does contain parabens :P And what is that Urea doing in here? :O :O

So what do you think about it? Let me know! :)

Oh and I bought a Philips hair dryer :D Mom gifted it to me, I am a very good daughter you see :) :) *giggles*

PS: The product has been sent for review purposes by PR. It hasn't affected my review, hand on heart 
PPS: All the images are mine.



  1. namita apart from ur reviews..I love ur way of bubbly....muaaahhh

    1. Smita :* You are so so sweet :) Thank you darling :) Mmwah!

  2. thats a nice review namita..

  3. Aaww thank you Arpita :) <3 So glad to know that!

  4. cool review . . .viviana sent these products and m behaving like such a bad girl .. i havent had the time to use them ...hufff . . .
    btw which philips dryer did ya get . . i got one too . the salon shine negative ion one !!!

    1. Haaww :D You are a busy woman, we get it ;) its OK di :* Soak in the happiness of 'Just Married' :* :D
      Me got the basic one, Salon Compact. blue color model :P Me was funded by mom know, didn't have much choice ;)
      Yaa? Piccy mail please! :* Me miss chatting with you! :(

  5. :D I know what you mean in the first para!! n that's not boring at all, infact its 100% true stuff :P
    Nice Review as always :) and u lucky gal..gettin philips dryer :D Do sm styling n put sm pics now :D
    The Sweet Life

    1. Hehhe :D You are very kind :* Thank you doll! :) Aah sure, as soon as I learn to tame layers :P

  6. Very interesting review about viviana moisturizing body lotion.

    Jurlique Herbal Recovery Night Cream

  7. very interesting n kool review...

  8. Its wonderful. so gentle and smooth on my skin. its good!!!!!!!!

    Body moisturizing spray


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